Metlog Configuration

To assist with getting a working Metlog set up, metlog-node provides a api/config module which will take declarative configuration info in JSON format and use it to configure a MetlogClient instance.

JSON format

The clientFromJsonConfig function of the config module is used to create a MetlogClient instance.

A minimal configuration that will instantiate a working Metlog client may look like this

var metlog = require('metlog');
    'sender': {'factory': 'metlog/Senders:udpSenderFactory',
               'hosts': '',
               'ports': 5565},
var jsonConfig = JSON.stringify(METLOG_CONF);
var log_client = metlog.clientFromJsonConfig(jsonConfig);

There are several optional parameters you may use to specialize the metlog-node client. A detailed description of each option follows:

Each metlog message that goes out contains a logger value, which is simply a string token meant to identify the source of the message, usually the name of the application that is running. This can be specified separately for each message that is sent, but the client supports a default value which will be used for all messages that don’t explicitly override. The logger config option specifies this default value. This value isn’t strictly required, but if it is omitted ‘’ (i.e. the empty string) will be used, so it is strongly suggested that a value be set.
Similarly, each metlog message specifies a severity value corresponding to the integer severity values defined by RFC 3164. And, again, while each message can set its own severity value, if one is omitted the client’s default value will be used. If no default is specified here, the default default (how meta!) will be 6, “Informational”.
Metlog natively supports “timer” behavior, which will calculate the amount of elapsed time taken by an operation and send that data along as a message to the back end. Each timer has a string token identifier. Because the act of calculating code performance actually impacts code performance, it is sometimes desirable to be able to activate and deactivate timers on a case by case basis. The disabledTimers value specifies a set of timer ids for which the client should NOT actually generate messages. Metlog will attempt to minimize the run-time impact of disabled timers, so the price paid for having deactivated timers will be very small. Note that the various timer ids should be newline separated.
You can configure client side filters to restrict messages from going to the server.

The following snippet demonstrates settings all optional parameters in the metlog client

var config = {
    'sender': {'factory': './example/config_imports:makeMockSender' },
    'logger': 'test',
    'severity': metlog.SEVERITY.INFORMATIONAL,
    'disabledTimers': ['disabled_timer_name'],
    'filters': [['./example/config_imports:payloadIsFilterProvider' , {'payload': 'nay!'}]],
    'plugins': {'showLogger': {'provider': './example/config_imports:showLoggerProvider',
                                'label': 'some-label-thing' }}
var jsonConfig = JSON.stringify(config);
var client = metlog.clientFromJsonConfig(jsonConfig);

You can find more runnable code samples at in the examples subdirectory.